[공공데이터] 경찰청 세종특별자치시경찰청 112 신고 접수 현황
[공공데이터] 경찰청 세종특별자치시경찰청_112신고 접수현황 2019년7월부터 2023년12월까지 월별 및 유형별 (중요범죄,기타범죄,질서유지,교통,기타경찰업무, 타기관 등)112신고 접수현황 National Police Agency Sejong Special Self-Governing City Police Agency_112 report reception status Status of 112 reports received by month and type (major crimes, other crimes, order maintenance, traffic, other police work, other agencies, etc.) from July 2019 to December 2023 ■ 관련 데이터 월별..