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[공공데이터] [USA] Fruit and Vegetable Prices



Fruit and Vegetable Prices


How much do fruits and vegetables cost? The USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS) estimated average prices for more than 150 commonly consumed fresh and processed fruits and vegetables. Reported estimates include each product's average retail price and price per edible cup equivalent (the unit of measurement for Federal recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption). Average retail prices are reported per pound or per pint. For many fruits and vegetables, a 1-cup equivalent equals the weight of enough edible food to fill a measuring cup. ERS calculated average prices at retail stores using 2013, 2016, and 2020 retail scanner data from Circana (formerly Information Resources Inc. [IRI]). A selection of retail establishments—grocery stores, supermarkets, supercenters, convenience stores, drug stores, and liquor stores—across the U.S. provides Circana with weekly retail sales data (revenue and quantity).

ERS reports average prices per edible cup equivalent to inform policymakers and nutritionists about how much money it costs U.S. households to eat a sufficient quantity and variety of fruits and vegetables. Every five years the Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services release a new version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans with information about how individuals can achieve a healthy diet. However, the average consumer falls short in meeting these recommendations. Many people consume too many calories from refined grains, solid fats, and added sugars, and do not eat enough whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Are food prices a barrier to eating a healthy diet? ERS research using this data set examines the quantity and variety of fruits and vegetables that a household can afford with a limited budget. See:

The Cost of Satisfying Fruit and Vegetable Recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines

For Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Households, Fruit and Vegetable Affordability Is Partly a Question of Budgeting

Americans Still Can Meet Fruit and Vegetable Dietary Guidelines for $2.10-$2.60 per Day

ERS fruit and vegetable prices are updated periodically to coincide with the release of each version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. When generating estimates using 2013, 2016, 2020 data, ERS researchers priced similar fruit and vegetable products each year. However, because of different methods for coding the underlying Circana data, the entry of new products into the market, the exit of old products from the market, and other factors, the data are not suitable for making year-to-year comparisons. These data should not be used for making inferences about price changes over time.

For data on retail food price trends, see the ERS Food Price Outlook (FPO). The FPO provides food price data and forecasts changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI) for food.

For additional data on food costs, see the ERS Purchase to Plate (PP-Suite). The PP-Suite reports a U.S. household’s costs to consume other categories of foods in addition to fruits and vegetables, such as meats, seafood, and cereal and bakery products. Food groupings in the PP-Suite are based on the USDA Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies (FNDDS). This allows users to import price estimates for foods found in USDA dietary survey data. FNDDS food groupings are broader than the specific food products priced for constructing this data product. They also include both conventional and organic products. For example, the PP-Suite average price to consume broccoli purchased raw is the average price paid for organic and conventional heads, crowns, and florets. By contrast, this data product distinguishes and separately reports the average costs to consume conventional raw broccoli purchased as heads and florets.

과일과 채소의 가격은 얼마입니까? USDA, 경제조사국(ERS)은 일반적으로 소비되는 신선 및 가공 과일 및 채소 150개 이상에 대한 평균 가격을 추정했습니다. 보고된 추정치에는 각 제품의 평균 소매 가격과 식용 컵 당 가격(과일 및 야채 소비에 대한 연방 권장 사항의 측정 단위)이 포함됩니다. 평균 소매 가격은 파운드당 또는 파인트당 보고됩니다. 많은 과일과 채소의 경우 1컵 상당은 계량컵을 채울 수 있는 식용 식품의 무게와 같습니다. ERS는 Circana(이전의 Information Resources Inc.[IRI])의 2013년, 2016년, 2020년 소매 스캐너 데이터를 사용하여 소매점의 평균 가격을 계산했습니다. 미국 전역의 식료품점, 슈퍼마켓, 슈퍼마켓, 편의점, 약국, 주류 판매점 등 다양한 소매업체에서 Circana에 주간 소매 판매 데이터(수익 및 수량)를 제공합니다.

ERS는 정책 입안자와 영양학자들에게 미국 가정이 충분한 양의 다양한 과일과 채소를 섭취하는 데 드는 비용에 대해 알리기 위해 식용 컵당 평균 가격을 보고합니다. 5년마다 농림부와 보건복지부는 개인이 건강한 식습관을 달성할 수 있는 방법에 대한 정보가 포함된 미국인을 위한 식생활 지침의 새 버전을 발표합니다. 그러나 일반 소비자는 이러한 권장 사항을 충족하지 못합니다. 많은 사람들이 정제된 곡물, 고형지방, 첨가당을 통해 너무 많은 칼로리를 섭취하고 통곡물, 과일, 야채를 충분히 섭취하지 않습니다.

식품 가격이 건강한 식단을 섭취하는 데 장애가 됩니까? 이 데이터 세트를 사용한 ERS 연구는 제한된 예산으로 가구가 감당할 수 있는 과일과 채소의 양과 다양성을 조사합니다. 보다:

식이 지침의 과일 및 채소 권장 사항을 충족하는 데 드는 비용

SNAP(보충 영양 지원 프로그램) 가구의 경우 과일 및 채소의 경제성은 부분적으로 예산 문제입니다

미국인들은 여전히 하루 $2.10-$2.60의 비용으로 과일 및 야채 식단 지침을 충족할 수 있습니다.

ERS 과일 및 채소 가격은 미국인을 위한 식생활 지침의 각 버전 출시에 맞춰 정기적으로 업데이트됩니다. 2013년, 2016년, 2020년 데이터를 사용하여 추정치를 생성할 때 ERS 연구원은 매년 유사한 과일 및 채소 제품의 가격을 책정했습니다. 그러나 기본 Circana 데이터를 코딩하는 다양한 방법, 신제품의 시장 진입, 기존 제품의 시장 퇴장 및 기타 요인으로 인해 해당 데이터는 연도별 비교에 적합하지 않습니다. 이러한 데이터는 시간 경과에 따른 가격 변화를 추론하는 데 사용되어서는 안 됩니다.

소매 식품 가격 추세에 대한 데이터는 ERS 식품 가격 전망(FPO)을 참조하십시오. FPO는 식품 가격 데이터를 제공하고 식품에 대한 소비자 물가 지수(CPI) 및 생산자 물가 지수(PPI)의 변화를 예측합니다.

식품 비용에 대한 추가 데이터는 ERS 접시 구매(PP-Suite)를 참조하세요. PP-Suite는 미국 가구가 과일 및 채소 외에 육류, 해산물, 시리얼 및 베이커리 제품과 같은 다른 범주의 식품을 소비하는 데 드는 비용을 보고합니다. PP-Suite의 식품 분류는 USDA 식이 연구를 위한 식품 및 영양 데이터베이스(FNDDS)를 기반으로 합니다. 이를 통해 사용자는 USDA 식이 조사 데이터에서 발견된 식품에 대한 추정 가격을 가져올 수 있습니다. FNDDS 식품 분류는 이 데이터 제품을 구성하기 위해 가격이 책정된 특정 식품보다 더 광범위합니다. 또한 기존 제품과 유기농 제품도 모두 포함됩니다. 예를 들어, 생으로 구입한 브로콜리를 소비하기 위한 PP-Suite 평균 가격은 유기농 및 기존의 머리, 크라운 및 꽃에 지불된 평균 가격입니다. 대조적으로, 이 데이터 제품은 머리와 작은 꽃으로 구입한 기존의 생브로콜리를 소비하는 데 드는 평균 비용을 구별하고 별도로 보고합니다.

보관된 과일 및 야채 가격표
간식 대체를 위한 보관된 데이터 테이블


■ 관련 데이터

Fruit Form Retail Price Retail PriceUnit Yield Cup Equivalent Size Cup Equivalent Unit Cup Equivalent Price
Apples Fresh 1.5193 per pound 0.9 0.2425 pounds 0.4094
Apples, applesauce Canned 1.066 per pound 1 0.5401 pounds 0.5758
Apples, ready-to-drink Juice 0.7804 per pint 1 8 fluid ounces 0.3902
Apples, frozen concentrate Juice 0.5853 per pint 1 8 fluid ounces 0.2926
Apricots Fresh 2.9665 per pound 0.93 0.3638 pounds 1.1603
Apricots, packed in juice Canned 1.6905 per pound 1 0.5401 pounds 0.9131
Apricots, packed in syrup or water Canned 2.06 per pound 0.65 0.4409 pounds 1.3974
Apricots Dried 6.6188 per pound 1 0.1433 pounds 0.9485
Bananas Fresh 0.5249 per pound 0.64 0.3307 pounds 0.2712
Berries, mixed Frozen 3.5585 per pound 1 0.3307 pounds 1.1768
Blackberries Fresh 6.0172 per pound 0.96 0.3197 pounds 2.0037
Blackberries Frozen 3.6362 per pound 1 0.3307 pounds 1.2025
Blueberries Fresh 4.1739 per pound 0.95 0.3197 pounds 1.4045
Blueberries Frozen 3.3898 per pound 1 0.3307 pounds 1.121
Cantaloupe Fresh 0.5767 per pound 0.51 0.3748 pounds 0.4238
Cherries Fresh 3.4269 per pound 0.92 0.3417 pounds 1.2729
Cherries, packed in syrup or water Canned 4.5257 per pound 0.65 0.4409 pounds 3.07
Clementines Fresh 1.3847 per pound 0.77 0.463 pounds 0.8326
Cranberries Dried 4.6513 per pound 1 0.1232 pounds 0.5729
Dates Dried 5.5713 per pound 1 0.1653 pounds 0.9212
Figs Dried 6.8371 per pound 0.96 0.1653 pounds 1.1776
Fruit cocktail, packed in juice Canned 1.7198 per pound 1 0.5401 pounds 0.9289
Fruit cocktail, packed in syrup or water Canned 1.5932 per pound 0.65 0.4409 pounds 1.0808
Grapefruit Fresh 1.1695 per pound 0.49 0.463 pounds 1.105
Grapefruit, ready-to-drink Juice 1.0415 per pint 1 8 fluid ounces 0.5208
Grapes Fresh 1.8398 per pound 0.96 0.3307 pounds 0.6338
Grapes (raisins) Dried 3.7801 per pound 1 0.1653 pounds 0.625
Grapes, ready-to-drink Juice 0.9215 per pint 1 8 fluid ounces 0.4607
Grapes, frozen concentrate Juice 0.7119 per pint 1 8 fluid ounces 0.3559
Honeydew Fresh 0.9056 per pound 0.46 0.3748 pounds 0.7378
Kiwi Fresh 2.1849 per pound 0.76 0.3858 pounds 1.1091
Mangoes Fresh 1.1513 per pound 0.71 0.3638 pounds 0.5898
Mangoes Dried 10.5527 per pound 1 0.1253 pounds 1.3219
Nectarines Fresh 1.9062 per pound 0.91 0.3197 pounds 0.6696
Oranges Fresh 1.2131 per pound 0.68 0.4079 pounds 0.7276
Oranges, ready-to-drink Juice 0.9842 per pint 1 8 fluid ounces 0.4921
Oranges, frozen concentrate Juice 0.769 per pint 1 8 fluid ounces 0.3845
Papaya Fresh 1.2904 per pound 0.62 0.3086 pounds 0.6424
Papaya Dried 5.5089 per pound 1 0.1543 pounds 0.8502
Peaches Fresh 1.7167 per pound 0.96 0.3417 pounds 0.6111
Peaches, packed in juice Canned 2.0237 per pound 1 0.5401 pounds 1.0931
Peaches, packed in syrup or water Canned 1.8117 per pound 0.65 0.4409 pounds 1.229
Peaches Frozen 3.3867 per pound 1 0.3307 pounds 1.12
Pears Fresh 1.5865 per pound 0.9 0.3638 pounds 0.6412
Pears, packed in juice Canned 1.9546 per pound 1 0.5401 pounds 1.0557
Pears, packed in syrup or water Canned 1.897 per pound 0.65 0.4409 pounds 1.2868
Pineapple Fresh 0.5685 per pound 0.51 0.3638 pounds 0.4055
Pineapple, packed in juice Canned 1.4344 per pound 1 0.5401 pounds 0.7748
Pineapple, packed in syrup or water Canned 1.4067 per pound 0.65 0.4409 pounds 0.9543
Pineapple Dried 6.6492 per pound 1 0.1543 pounds 1.0261
Pineapple, ready-to-drink Juice 1.0288 per pint 1 8 fluid ounces 0.5144
Pineapple, frozen concentrate Juice 0.6973 per pint 1 8 fluid ounces 0.3486
Plum Fresh 2.0292 per pound 0.94 0.3638 pounds 0.7852
Plum (prunes) Dried 5.7042 per pound 1 0.1874 pounds 1.0689
Plum (prune), ready-to-drink Juice 1.5522 per pint 1 8 fluid ounces 0.7761
Pomegranate Fresh 2.235 per pound 0.56 0.3417 pounds 1.3638
Pomegranate, ready-to-drink Juice 3.122 per pint 1 8 fluid ounces 1.561
Raspberries Fresh 6.6391 per pound 0.96 0.3197 pounds 2.2107
Raspberries Frozen 4.1877 per pound 1 0.3307 pounds 1.3849
Strawberries Fresh 2.58 per pound 0.94 0.3197 pounds 0.8774
Strawberries Frozen 2.8189 per pound 1 0.3307 pounds 0.9322
Watermelon Fresh 0.3604 per pound 0.52 0.3307 pounds 0.2292


Vegetable Form Retail Price Retail Price Unit Yield Cup Equivalent Size Cup Equivalent Unit Cup Equivalent Price
Acorn squash Fresh 1.1804 per pound 0.4586 0.4519 pounds 1.1633
Artichoke Fresh 2.1913 per pound 0.375 0.3858 pounds 2.2545
Artichoke Canned 3.4119 per pound 0.65 0.3858 pounds 2.0251
Asparagus Fresh 2.7576 per pound 0.4938 0.3968 pounds 2.2159
Asparagus Canned 3.1269 per pound 0.65 0.3968 pounds 1.909
Asparagus Frozen 6.7045 per pound 1.0335 0.3968 pounds 2.5742
Avocados Fresh 2.2368 per pound 0.7408 0.3197 pounds 0.9653
Beets Canned 1.2684 per pound 0.65 0.3748 pounds 0.7314
Black beans Canned 1.0281 per pound 0.65 0.3858 pounds 0.6102
Black beans Dried 1.3753 per pound 2.4692 0.3858 pounds 0.2149
Blackeye peas Canned 1.0375 per pound 0.65 0.3748 pounds 0.5982
Blackeye peas Dried 1.7584 per pound 2.5397 0.3858 pounds 0.2671
Broccoli florets Fresh 2.7486 per pound 1 0.3417 pounds 0.9393
Broccoli heads Fresh 2.3065 per pound 0.78 0.3417 pounds 1.0105
Broccoli Frozen 2.1543 per pound 0.8818 0.3417 pounds 0.8348
Brussels sprouts Fresh 2.6895 per pound 1.06 0.3417 pounds 0.867
Brussels sprouts Frozen 2.6214 per pound 0.96 0.3417 pounds 0.9331
Butternut squash Fresh 1.2325 per pound 0.714 0.4519 pounds 0.7802
Cabbage, green Fresh 0.7025 per pound 0.7788 0.3307 pounds 0.2983
Cabbage, red Fresh 1.0985 per pound 0.7791 0.3307 pounds 0.4663
Cabbage, sauerkraut Canned 1.2823 per pound 0.65 0.3086 pounds 0.6089
Carrots, cooked whole Fresh 0.8703 per pound 0.8158 0.3197 pounds 0.341
Carrots, raw whole Fresh 0.8703 per pound 0.89 0.2756 pounds 0.2695
Carrots, baby Fresh 1.2716 per pound 1 0.2756 pounds 0.3504
Carrots Canned 1.1315 per pound 0.65 0.3197 pounds 0.5565
Carrots Frozen 1.6763 per pound 0.98 0.3197 pounds 0.5468
Cauliflower florets Fresh 3.5859 per pound 0.9702 0.2756 pounds 1.0185
Cauliflower heads Fresh 1.9769 per pound 0.8926 0.2756 pounds 0.6103
Cauliflower Frozen 1.9946 per pound 0.9304 0.2756 pounds 0.5908
Celery, trimmed bunches Fresh 0.9842 per pound 0.73 0.2646 pounds 0.3567
Celery sticks Fresh 2.4041 per pound 1 0.2646 pounds 0.636
Collard greens Fresh 2.682 per pound 1.16 0.2866 pounds 0.6626
Collard greens Canned 1.0418 per pound 0.65 0.3638 pounds 0.583
Collard greens Frozen 1.9022 per pound 0.8818 0.3638 pounds 0.7846
Corn Fresh 1.8908 per pound 0.54 0.3638 pounds 1.2737
Corn Canned 1.0287 per pound 0.65 0.3638 pounds 0.5757
Corn Frozen 1.6642 per pound 0.963 0.3638 pounds 0.6286
Cucumbers with peel Fresh 1.1933 per pound 0.97 0.2646 pounds 0.3255
Cucumbers without peel Fresh 1.1933 per pound 0.73 0.2646 pounds 0.4325
Great northern beans Canned 1.0095 per pound 0.65 0.3858 pounds 0.5992
Great northern beans Dried 1.6965 per pound 2.4692 0.3858 pounds 0.2651
Green beans Fresh 2.1463 per pound 0.8466 0.2756 pounds 0.6987
Green beans Canned 1.0175 per pound 0.65 0.2976 pounds 0.4659
Green beans Frozen 1.946 per pound 0.903 0.2976 pounds 0.6414
Green peas Canned 1.2516 per pound 0.65 0.3527 pounds 0.6792
Green peas Frozen 1.8937 per pound 0.8924 0.3527 pounds 0.7485
Green peppers Fresh 1.2772 per pound 0.82 0.2646 pounds 0.4121
Kale Fresh 2.5018 per pound 1.05 0.2866 pounds 0.6829
Kale Frozen 2.1257 per pound 0.8995 0.3638 pounds 0.8597
Kidney beans Canned 0.9719 per pound 0.65 0.3858 pounds 0.5768
Kidney beans Dried 1.7218 per pound 2.4692 0.3858 pounds 0.269
Lentils Dried 1.6493 per pound 2.4692 0.3858 pounds 0.2577
Lettuce, iceberg Fresh 0.9952 per pound 0.95 0.2425 pounds 0.254
Lettuce, romaine, heads Fresh 1.8299 per pound 0.94 0.2094 pounds 0.4077
Lettuce, romaine, hearts Fresh 2.5766 per pound 0.85 0.2094 pounds 0.6349
Lima beans Canned 1.4004 per pound 0.65 0.3748 pounds 0.8075
Lima beans Frozen 1.8995 per pound 1.097 0.3748 pounds 0.6489
Lima beans Dried 2.1861 per pound 2.5397 0.3858 pounds 0.3321
Mixed vegetables, peas & carrots Canned 1.5339 per pound 0.65 0.3392 pounds 0.8004
Mixed vegetables, peas & carrots Frozen 1.5296 per pound 0.99 0.3392 pounds 0.5241
Mixed vegetables, peas, corn, green beans Frozen 1.5978 per pound 0.97 0.334 pounds 0.5502
Mixed vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots Frozen 2.0033 per pound 0.97 0.3105 pounds 0.6413
Mushrooms, whole Fresh 3.4464 per pound 0.97 0.1543 pounds 0.5483
Mushrooms, sliced Fresh 3.6417 per pound 1 0.1543 pounds 0.562
Mustard greens Canned 1.0496 per pound 0.65 0.3307 pounds 0.534
Mustard greens Frozen 1.9288 per pound 0.7478 0.3307 pounds 0.853
Navy beans Canned 1.0492 per pound 0.65 0.3858 pounds 0.6228
Navy beans Dried 1.4942 per pound 2.4692 0.3858 pounds 0.2335
Okra Fresh 3.9803 per pound 0.7695 0.3527 pounds 1.8246
Okra Frozen 1.8562 per pound 0.8995 0.3748 pounds 0.7734
Olives Canned 5.7719 per pound 1 0.2976 pounds 1.7179
Onions Fresh 0.9751 per pound 0.9 0.3527 pounds 0.3822
Pinto beans Canned 0.8742 per pound 0.65 0.3858 pounds 0.5189
Pinto beans Dried 1.2933 per pound 2.4692 0.3858 pounds 0.2021
Potatoes Fresh 0.6682 per pound 0.8113 0.2646 pounds 0.2179
Potatoes, french fries Frozen 1.5371 per pound 0.776 0.3417 pounds 0.6769
Potatoes Canned 1.107 per pound 0.65 0.3417 pounds 0.582
Pumpkin Canned 2.0172 per pound 1 0.5401 pounds 1.0896
Radish Fresh 1.577 per pound 0.9 0.2756 pounds 0.4829
Red peppers Fresh 2.1614 per pound 0.82 0.2646 pounds 0.6973
Spinach, boiled Fresh 2.994 per pound 0.77 0.3307 pounds 1.2859
Spinach, eaten raw Fresh 2.994 per pound 1 0.1543 pounds 0.4621
Spinach Canned 1.3154 per pound 0.65 0.3748 pounds 0.7585
Spinach Frozen 2.133 per pound 0.776 0.3748 pounds 1.0302
Sweet potatoes Fresh 1.1198 per pound 0.8818 0.4409 pounds 0.5599
Tomatoes, grape & cherry Fresh 4.1458 per pound 0.91 0.3748 pounds 1.7075
Tomatoes, roma & plum Fresh 1.1618 per pound 0.91 0.3748 pounds 0.4785
Tomatoes, large round Fresh 2.3347 per pound 0.91 0.3748 pounds 0.9616
Tomatoes Canned 1.0175 per pound 1 0.5401 pounds 0.5496
Turnip greens Fresh 2.4176 per pound 0.75 0.3197 pounds 1.0304
Turnip greens Canned 1.0429 per pound 0.65 0.3527 pounds 0.566
Turnip greens Frozen 1.9451 per pound 0.776 0.3527 pounds 0.8841
Zucchini Fresh 1.5489 per pound 0.7695 0.3968 pounds 0.7987

■ 관련 자료

Fruit Prices 2020.csv
Vegetable Prices 2020.csv

■ 링크

원본 자료의 관련 링크는 아래와 같다.



USDA ERS - Fruit and Vegetable Prices

Fruit and Vegetable Prices


■ 기준 날짜

