한국광해광업공단_국가별 매장량
세계의 광물자원 분포를 국가별 보유하는 주요 광물자원 매장량 자료로 제공 세계의 광물자원 분포를 국가별 보유하는 주요 광물자원 매장량 자료로 제공
The distribution of global mineral resources is provided as data on the major mineral resource reserves possessed by each country.
■ 관련 데이터
국가 | 광종 | 단위 | 매장량 |
Algeria | HELIUM | million cubic meters | 1,800 |
Algeria | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 2,200,000 |
Argentina | GOLD | metric tons | 1,600 |
Argentina | LITHIUM | metric tons | 2,200,000 |
Argentina | MOLYBDENUM | thousand metric tons | 100 |
Armenia | MOLYBDENUM | thousand metric tons | 150 |
Armenia | RHENIUM | kilograms | 95,000 |
Australia | ANTIMONY | metric tons | 100,000 |
Australia | BAUXITE | thousand metric dry tons | 5,300,000 |
Australia | COBALT | metric tons | 1,400,000 |
Australia | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 93,000 |
Australia | DIAMOND (INDUSTRIAL) | million carats | 11 |
Australia | GOLD | metric tons | 11,000 |
Australia | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 51,000 |
Australia | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 25,000 |
Australia | LEAD | thousand metric tons | 37,000 |
Australia | LITHIUM | metric tons | 5,700,000 |
Australia | MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS | thousand metric tons | 290,000 |
Australia | MANGANESE | thousand metric tons | 270,000 |
Australia | NICKEL | metric tons | 21,000,000 |
Australia | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 1,100,000 |
Australia | RARE EARTHS | metric tons of rare-earth-oxide (REO) equivalent | 4,000,000 |
Australia | SILVER | metric tons | 90,000 |
Australia | TANTALUM | metric tons | 94,000 |
Australia | TIN | metric tons | 560,000 |
Australia | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 10,160,000 |
Australia | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(rutile) | thousand metric tons | 31,000 |
Australia | VANADIUM | metric tons | 6,000 |
Australia | ZINC | thousand metric tons | 69,000 |
Australia | ZIRCONIUM AND HAFNIUM | metric tons | 50,000 |
Austria | MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS | thousand metric tons | 49,000 |
Austria | TUNGSTEN | metric tons | 10,000 |
Azerbaijan | BROMINE | metric tons | 300,000 |
Azerbaijan | IODINE | metric tons | 170,000 |
Belarus | PEAT | thousand metric tons | 2,600,000 |
Belarus | POTASH(k2O) | thousand metric tons | 750,000 |
Belarus | POTASH(ore) | thousand metric tons | 3,300,000 |
Bolivia | ANTIMONY | metric tons | 310,000 |
Bolivia | LEAD | thousand metric tons | 1,600 |
Bolivia | SILVER | metric tons | 22,000 |
Bolivia | TIN | metric tons | 400,000 |
Bolivia | ZINC | thousand metric tons | 4,800 |
Botswana | DIAMOND (INDUSTRIAL) | million carats | 300 |
Botswana | SODA ASH | thousand metric tons | 400,000 |
Brazil | ASBESTOS | metric tons | 11,000,000 |
Brazil | BAUXITE | thousand metric dry tons | 2,700,000 |
Brazil | GOLD | metric tons | 2,400 |
Brazil | GRAPHITE (NATURAL) | metric tons | 70,000,000 |
Brazil | GYPSUM | thousand metric tons | 450,000 |
Brazil | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 34,000 |
Brazil | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 15,000 |
Brazil | LITHIUM | metric tons | 95,000 |
Brazil | MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS | thousand metric tons | 200,000 |
Brazil | MANGANESE | thousand metric tons | 270,000 |
Brazil | NICKEL | metric tons | 16,000,000 |
Brazil | NIOBIUM (COLUMBIUM) | metric tons | 16,000,000 |
Brazil | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 1,600,000 |
Brazil | POTASH(k2O) | thousand metric tons | 2,300 |
Brazil | POTASH(ore) | thousand metric tons | 10,000 |
Brazil | RARE EARTHS | metric tons of rare-earth-oxide (REO) equivalent | 21,000,000 |
Brazil | TANTALUM | metric tons | 40,000 |
Brazil | TIN | metric tons | 420,000 |
Brazil | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 43,000 |
Brazil | VANADIUM | metric tons | 120 |
Brazil | VERMICULITE | thousand metric tons | 6,600 |
Brazil (beneficiated, marketable) | FELDSPAR AND NEPHELINE SYENITE | thousand metric tons | 150,000 |
Brazil (crude and beneficiated)9 | TALC AND PYROPHYLLITE | thousand metric tons | 45,000 |
Burma | ANTIMONY | metric tons | 140,000 |
Burmae | TIN | metric tons | 700,000 |
Canada | ANTIMONY | metric tons | 78,000 |
Canada | COBALT | metric tons | 220,000 |
Canada | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 9,800 |
Canada | GOLD | metric tons | 2,200 |
Canada | GYPSUM | thousand metric tons | 450,000 |
Canada | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 6,000 |
Canada | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 2,300 |
Canada | MOLYBDENUM | thousand metric tons | 96 |
Canada | NICKEL | metric tons | 2,000,000 |
Canada | NIOBIUM (COLUMBIUM) | metric tons | 1,600,000 |
Canada | PEAT | thousand metric tons | 720,000 |
Canada | PLATINUM-GROUP METALS | kilograms | 310,000 |
Canada | POTASH(k2O) | thousand metric tons | 1,100,000 |
Canada | POTASH(ore) | thousand metric tons | 4,500,000 |
Canada | RARE EARTHS | metric tons of rare-earth-oxide (REO) equivalent | 830,000 |
Canada | SELENIUM | metric tons | 6,000 |
Canada | TELLURIUM | metric tons | 800 |
Canada | ZINC | thousand metric tons | 5,400 |
Canada11 | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 31,000 |
Chile | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 200,000 |
Chile | IODINE | metric tons | 610,000 |
Chile | LITHIUM | metric tons | 9,200,000 |
Chile | MOLYBDENUM | thousand metric tons | 1,400 |
Chile | POTASH(k2O) | thousand metric tons | 100,000 |
Chile | SILVER | metric tons | 26,000 |
Chile, ulexite | BORON | thousand metric tons | 35,000 |
Chile8 | RHENIUM | kilograms | 1,300,000 |
China | ANTIMONY | metric tons | 480,000 |
China | ASBESTOS | metric tons | 95,000,000 |
China | BARITE | thousand metric tons | 36,000 |
China | BAUXITE | thousand metric dry tons | 1,000,000 |
China | COBALT | metric tons | 80,000 |
China | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 26,000 |
China | DIATOMITE | thousand metric tons | 110,000 |
China | FLUORSPAR | thousand metric tons | 42,000 |
China | GOLD | metric tons | 2,000 |
China | GRAPHITE (NATURAL) | metric tons | 73,000,000 |
China | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 20,000 |
China | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 6,900 |
China | LEAD | thousand metric tons | 18,000 |
China | LITHIUM | metric tons | 1,500,000 |
China | MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS | thousand metric tons | 1,000,000 |
China | MANGANESE | thousand metric tons | 54,000 |
China | MOLYBDENUM | thousand metric tons | 8,300 |
China | NICKEL | metric tons | 2,800,000 |
China | POTASH(k2O) | thousand metric tons | 350,000 |
China | RARE EARTHS | metric tons of rare-earth-oxide (REO) equivalent | 44,000,000 |
China | SELENIUM | metric tons | 26,000 |
China | SILVER | metric tons | 41,000 |
China | TELLURIUM | metric tons | 6,600 |
China | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 230,000 |
China | TUNGSTEN | metric tons | 1,900,000 |
China | VANADIUM | metric tons | 9,500 |
China | ZINC | thousand metric tons | 44,000 |
China | ZIRCONIUM AND HAFNIUM | metric tons | 500 |
China (unspecified minerals) | TALC AND PYROPHYLLITE | thousand metric tons | 82,000 |
China, boric oxide equivalent | BORON | thousand metric tons | 24,000 |
China6 | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 3,200,000 |
Chinae | TIN | metric tons | 1,100,000 |
Congo (Kinshasa) | COBALT | metric tons | 3,500,000 |
Congo (Kinshasa) | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 31,000 |
Congo (Kinshasa) | DIAMOND (INDUSTRIAL) | million carats | 150 |
Congo (Kinshasa)e | TIN | metric tons | 130,000 |
Cuba | COBALT | metric tons | 500,000 |
Czechia | FELDSPAR AND NEPHELINE SYENITE | thousand metric tons | 22,000 |
Egypt | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 2,800,000 |
Estonia | PEAT | thousand metric tons | 570,000 |
Ethiopia | SODA ASH | thousand metric tons | 400,000 |
Finland | CHROMIUM | thousand metric tons | 13,000 |
Finland | PEAT | thousand metric tons | 6,000,000 |
Finland | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 1,000,000 |
France | GYPSUM | thousand metric tons | 350,000 |
Gabon | MANGANESE | thousand metric tons | 61,000 |
Germany | POTASH(k2O) | thousand metric tons | 150,000 |
Ghana | GOLD | metric tons | 1,000 |
Ghana | MANGANESE | thousand metric tons | 13,000 |
Greece | MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS | thousand metric tons | 280,000 |
Greece | PERLITE | thousand metric tons | 120,000 |
Greenland | RARE EARTHS | metric tons of rare-earth-oxide (REO) equivalent | 1,500,000 |
Guinea | BAUXITE | thousand metric dry tons | 7,400,000 |
Hungarye | PERLITE | thousand metric tons | 49,000 |
India | BARITE | thousand metric tons | 51,000 |
India | BAUXITE | thousand metric dry tons | 660,000 |
India | CHROMIUM | thousand metric tons | 100,000 |
India | FELDSPAR AND NEPHELINE SYENITE | thousand metric tons | 320,000 |
India | GARNET (INDUSTRIAL) | metric tons | 13,000,000 |
India | GRAPHITE (NATURAL) | metric tons | 8,000,000 |
India | GYPSUM | thousand metric tons | 37,000 |
India | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 5,500 |
India | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 3,400 |
India | LEAD | thousand metric tons | 2,500 |
India | MANGANESE | thousand metric tons | 34,000 |
India | MICA (NATURAL) | metric tons | 110,000 |
India | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 46,000 |
India | RARE EARTHS | metric tons of rare-earth-oxide (REO) equivalent | 6,900,000 |
India | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 85,000 |
India | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(rutile) | thousand metric tons | 7,400 |
India | VERMICULITE | thousand metric tons | 1,600 |
India | ZINC | thousand metric tons | 9,100 |
India (kyanite and sillimanite) | KYANITE AND RELATED MINERALS | metric tons | 7,200,000 |
India (ocher) | IRON OXIDE PIGMENTS | metric tons | 37,000,000 |
India9 | TALC AND PYROPHYLLITE | thousand metric tons | 110,000 |
Indonesia | BAUXITE | thousand metric dry tons | 1,200,000 |
Indonesia | COBALT | metric tons | 600,000 |
Indonesia | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 24,000 |
Indonesia | GOLD | metric tons | 2,600 |
Indonesia | IODINE | metric tons | 100,000 |
Indonesia | NICKEL | metric tons | 21,000,000 |
Indonesiae | TIN | metric tons | 800,000 |
Iran | BARITE | thousand metric tons | 100,000 |
Iran | FELDSPAR AND NEPHELINE SYENITE | thousand metric tons | 630,000 |
Iran | FLUORSPAR | thousand metric tons | 3,400 |
Iran | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 2,700 |
Iran | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 1,500 |
Iran | MOLYBDENUM | thousand metric tons | 43 |
Irane | PERLITE | thousand metric tons | 73,000 |
Israel | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 53,000 |
Jamaica | BAUXITE | thousand metric dry tons | 2,000,000 |
Japan | IODINE | metric tons | 4,900,000 |
Japan9 | TALC AND PYROPHYLLITE | thousand metric tons | 100,000 |
Jordan | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 1,000,000 |
Kazakhstan | BARITE | thousand metric tons | 85,000 |
Kazakhstan | BAUXITE | thousand metric dry tons | 160,000 |
Kazakhstan | CHROMIUM | thousand metric tons | 230,000 |
Kazakhstan | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 20,000 |
Kazakhstan | GOLD | metric tons | 1,000 |
Kazakhstan | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 2,500 |
Kazakhstan | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 900 |
Kazakhstan | LEAD | thousand metric tons | 2,000 |
Kazakhstan | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 260,000 |
Kazakhstan | RHENIUM | kilograms | 190,000 |
Kazakhstan | ZINC | thousand metric tons | 12,000 |
Kazakhstan, concentrate | MANGANESE | thousand metric tons | 5,000 |
Kenya | SODA ASH | thousand metric tons | 7,000 |
Kenya | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 390 |
Kenya | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(rutile) | thousand metric tons | 170 |
Kenya | ZIRCONIUM AND HAFNIUM | metric tons | 50 |
Korea, North | GRAPHITE (NATURAL) | metric tons | 2,000,000 |
Korea, North | TUNGSTEN | metric tons | 29,000 |
Korea, Republic of | FELDSPAR AND NEPHELINE SYENITE | thousand metric tons | 180,000 |
Korea, Republic of9 | TALC AND PYROPHYLLITE | thousand metric tons | 81,000 |
Kyrgyzstan | ANTIMONY | metric tons | 260,000 |
Laos | POTASH(k2O) | thousand metric tons | 75,000 |
Laos | POTASH(ore) | thousand metric tons | 500,000 |
Latvia | PEAT | thousand metric tons | 150,000 |
Lithuania | PEAT | thousand metric tons | 210,000 |
Madagascar | COBALT | metric tons | 100,000 |
Madagascar | GRAPHITE (NATURAL) | metric tons | 26,000,000 |
Madagascar | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(rutile) | thousand metric tons | 400 |
Madagascar11 | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 22,000 |
Malaysia | TIN | metric tons | 81,000 |
Mexico | ANTIMONY | metric tons | 18,000 |
Mexico | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 53,000 |
Mexico | FLUORSPAR | thousand metric tons | 68,000 |
Mexico | GOLD | metric tons | 1,400 |
Mexico | GRAPHITE (NATURAL) | metric tons | 3,100,000 |
Mexico | LEAD | thousand metric tons | 5,600 |
Mexico | MANGANESE | thousand metric tons | 5,000 |
Mexico | MOLYBDENUM | thousand metric tons | 130 |
Mexico | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 30,000 |
Mexico | SILVER | metric tons | 37,000 |
Mexico | ZINC | thousand metric tons | 19,000 |
Mongolia | FLUORSPAR | thousand metric tons | 22,000 |
Morocco | COBALT | metric tons | 13,000 |
Morocco | FLUORSPAR | thousand metric tons | 210 |
Morocco | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 50,000,000 |
Mozambique | GRAPHITE (NATURAL) | metric tons | 25,000,000 |
Mozambique | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 26,000 |
Mozambique | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(rutile) | thousand metric tons | 890 |
Mozambique | ZIRCONIUM AND HAFNIUM | metric tons | 1,800 |
Norway | GRAPHITE (NATURAL) | metric tons | 600,000 |
Norway | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 37,000 |
Other countries | BARITE | thousand metric tons | 30,000 |
Other countries | BAUXITE | thousand metric dry tons | 5,100,000 |
Other countries | COBALT | metric tons | 610,000 |
Other countries | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 180,000 |
Other countries | DIAMOND (INDUSTRIAL) | million carats | 120 |
Other countries | FLUORSPAR | thousand metric tons | 120,000 |
Other countries | GARNET (INDUSTRIAL) | metric tons | 6,500,000 |
Other countries | GOLD | metric tons | 9,200 |
Other countries | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 18,000 |
Other countries | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 9,500 |
Other countries | LEAD | thousand metric tons | 5,900 |
Other countries | MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS | thousand metric tons | 2,600,000 |
Other countries | NICKEL | metric tons | 20,000,000 |
Other countries | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 2,600,000 |
Other countries | POTASH(k2O) | thousand metric tons | 300,000 |
Other countries | POTASH(ore) | thousand metric tons | 1,500,000 |
Other countries | RARE EARTHS | metric tons of rare-earth-oxide (REO) equivalent | 280,000 |
Other countries | SILVER | metric tons | 57,000 |
Other countries | SODA ASH | thousand metric tons | 280,000 |
Other countries | TIN | metric tons | 310,000 |
Other countries | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 26,000 |
Other countries | TUNGSTEN | metric tons | 1,200,000 |
Other countries | ZINC | thousand metric tons | 34,000 |
Other countries | ZIRCONIUM AND HAFNIUM | metric tons | 11,000 |
Other countries7 | TELLURIUM | metric tons | 19,000 |
Other countries8 | LITHIUM | metric tons | 2,700,000 |
Other countries8 | SELENIUM | metric tons | 22,000 |
Other countriese | PEAT | thousand metric tons | 1,400,000 |
Pakistan | ANTIMONY | metric tons | 26,000 |
Pakistan | BARITE | thousand metric tons | 40,000 |
Pakistan | GYPSUM | thousand metric tons | 6,000 |
Pakistan (ocher) | IRON OXIDE PIGMENTS | metric tons | 100,000 |
Papua New Guinea | COBALT | metric tons | 47,000 |
Papua New Guinea | GOLD | metric tons | 1,100 |
Peru | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 77,000 |
Peru | GOLD | metric tons | 2,000 |
Peru | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 2,600 |
Peru | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 1,500 |
Peru | LEAD | thousand metric tons | 6,400 |
Peru | MOLYBDENUM | thousand metric tons | 2,300 |
Peru | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 210,000 |
Peru | SELENIUM | metric tons | 13,000 |
Peru | SILVER | metric tons | 120,000 |
Peru | TIN | metric tons | 150,000 |
Peru | ZINC | thousand metric tons | 19,000 |
Peru, crude borates | BORON | thousand metric tons | 4,000 |
Philippines | COBALT | metric tons | 260,000 |
Philippines | NICKEL | metric tons | 4,800,000 |
Poland | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 31,000 |
Poland | HELIUM | million cubic meters | 24 |
Poland | SELENIUM | metric tons | 3,000 |
Poland | SILVER | metric tons | 67,000 |
Portugal | LITHIUM | metric tons | 60,000 |
Portugal | TUNGSTEN | metric tons | 5,100 |
Russia | ASBESTOS | metric tons | 110,000,000 |
Russia | BARITE | thousand metric tons | 12,000 |
Russia | BAUXITE | thousand metric dry tons | 500,000 |
Russia | COBALT | metric tons | 250,000 |
Russia | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 62,000 |
Russia | DIAMOND (INDUSTRIAL) | million carats | 1,100 |
Russia | GOLD | metric tons | 6,800 |
Russia | HELIUM | million cubic meters | 1,700 |
Russia | IODINE | metric tons | 120,000 |
Russia | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 25,000 |
Russia | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 14,000 |
Russia | LEAD | thousand metric tons | 4,000 |
Russia | MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS | thousand metric tons | 2,300,000 |
Russia | MOLYBDENUM | thousand metric tons | 430 |
Russia | NICKEL | metric tons | 7,500,000 |
Russia | PEAT | thousand metric tons | 1,000,000 |
Russia | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 600,000 |
Russia | PLATINUM-GROUP METALS | kilograms | 4,500,000 |
Russia | POTASH(k2O) | thousand metric tons | 400,000 |
Russia | RARE EARTHS | metric tons of rare-earth-oxide (REO) equivalent | 21,000,000 |
Russia | RHENIUM | kilograms | 310,000 |
Russia | SELENIUM | metric tons | 20,000 |
Russia | SILVER | metric tons | 45,000 |
Russia | TIN | metric tons | 200,000 |
Russia | TUNGSTEN | metric tons | 400,000 |
Russia | VANADIUM | metric tons | 5,000 |
Russia | ZINC | thousand metric tons | 22,000 |
Russia (recoverable) | ANTIMONY | metric tons | 350,000 |
Russia, datolite ore | BORON | thousand metric tons | 40,000 |
Saudi Arabia | BAUXITE | thousand metric dry tons | 180,000 |
Saudi Arabia | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 1,400,000 |
Senegal | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 50,000 |
Sierra Leone | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(rutile) | thousand metric tons | 490 |
Slovakia | MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS | thousand metric tons | 370,000 |
South Africa | CHROMIUM | thousand metric tons | 200,000 |
South Africa | DIAMOND (INDUSTRIAL) | million carats | 120 |
South Africa | FLUORSPAR | thousand metric tons | 41,000 |
South Africa | GOLD | metric tons | 5,000 |
South Africa | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 1,000 |
South Africa | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 670 |
South Africa | MANGANESE | thousand metric tons | 640,000 |
South Africa | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 1,600,000 |
South Africa | PLATINUM-GROUP METALS | kilograms | 63,000,000 |
South Africa | RARE EARTHS | metric tons of rare-earth-oxide (REO) equivalent | 790,000 |
South Africa | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(rutile) | thousand metric tons | 6,500 |
South Africa | VANADIUM | metric tons | 3,500 |
South Africa | VERMICULITE | thousand metric tons | 14,000 |
South Africa | ZIRCONIUM AND HAFNIUM | metric tons | 5,900 |
South Africa11 | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 30,000 |
Spain | FLUORSPAR | thousand metric tons | 10,000 |
Spain | MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS | thousand metric tons | 35,000 |
Spain | POTASH(k2O) | thousand metric tons | 68,000 |
Spain | TUNGSTEN | metric tons | 52,000 |
Sri Lanka | GRAPHITE (NATURAL) | metric tons | 1,500,000 |
Sweden | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 1,300 |
Sweden | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 600 |
Sweden | LEAD | thousand metric tons | 1,100 |
Sweden | TELLURIUM | metric tons | 670 |
Sweden | ZINC | thousand metric tons | 3,700 |
Tajikistan | ANTIMONY | metric tons | 50,000 |
Tanzania | GRAPHITE (NATURAL) | metric tons | 18,000,000 |
Tanzania | RARE EARTHS | metric tons of rare-earth-oxide (REO) equivalent | 890,000 |
Thailand | FELDSPAR AND NEPHELINE SYENITE | thousand metric tons | 220,000 |
Thailand | GYPSUM | thousand metric tons | 1,700 |
Togo | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 30,000 |
Tunisia | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 100,000 |
Turkey | ANTIMONY | metric tons | 100,000 |
Turkey | BARITE | thousand metric tons | 35,000 |
Turkey | CHROMIUM | thousand metric tons | 26,000 |
Turkey | DIATOMITE | thousand metric tons | 44,000 |
Turkey | FELDSPAR AND NEPHELINE SYENITE | thousand metric tons | 240,000 |
Turkey | GRAPHITE (NATURAL) | metric tons | 90,000,000 |
Turkey | GYPSUM | thousand metric tons | 200,000 |
Turkey | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 130 |
Turkey | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 38 |
Turkey | LEAD | thousand metric tons | 860 |
Turkey | MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS | thousand metric tons | 110,000 |
Turkey | MOLYBDENUM | thousand metric tons | 360 |
Turkey | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 50,000 |
Turkey | SODA ASH | thousand metric tons | 880,000 |
Turkey, refined borates | BORON | thousand metric tons | 1,200,000 |
Turkeye | PERLITE | thousand metric tons | 57,000 |
Turkmenistan | IODINE | metric tons | 70,000 |
Ukraine | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 6,500 |
Ukraine | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 2,300 |
Ukraine | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 5,900 |
Ukraine | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(rutile) | thousand metric tons | 2,500 |
Ukraine, concentrate | MANGANESE | thousand metric tons | 140,000 |
United States | ANTIMONY | metric tons | 60,000 |
United States | BAUXITE | thousand metric dry tons | 20,000 |
United States | BORON | thousand metric tons | 40,000 |
United States | BROMINE | metric tons | 11,000,000 |
United States | CHROMIUM | thousand metric tons | 620 |
United States | COBALT | metric tons | 69,000 |
United States | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 48,000 |
United States | FLUORSPAR | thousand metric tons | 4,000 |
United States | GARNET (INDUSTRIAL) | metric tons | 5,000,000 |
United States | GOLD | metric tons | 3,000 |
United States | GYPSUM | thousand metric tons | 700,000 |
United States | IODINE | metric tons | 250,000 |
United States | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 3,000 |
United States | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 1,000 |
United States | LEAD | thousand metric tons | 5,000 |
United States | LITHIUM | metric tons | 750,000 |
United States | MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS | thousand metric tons | 35,000 |
United States | MOLYBDENUM | thousand metric tons | 2,700 |
United States | NICKEL | metric tons | 6,340,000 |
United States | NIOBIUM (COLUMBIUM) | metric tons | 170,000 |
United States | PEAT | thousand metric tons | 150,000 |
United States | PERLITE | thousand metric tons | 50,000 |
United States | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 1,000,000 |
United States | PLATINUM-GROUP METALS | kilograms | 900,000 |
United States | POTASH(k2O) | thousand metric tons | 220,000 |
United States | POTASH(ore) | thousand metric tons | 970,000 |
United States | RARE EARTHS | metric tons of rare-earth-oxide (REO) equivalent | 1,800,000 |
United States | RHENIUM | kilograms | 400,000 |
United States | SELENIUM | metric tons | 10,000 |
United States | SILVER | metric tons | 26,000 |
United States | SODA ASH | thousand metric tons | 723,000,000 |
United States | TELLURIUM | metric tons | 3,500 |
United States | VANADIUM | metric tons | 45 |
United States | VERMICULITE | thousand metric tons | 25,000 |
United States | ZINC | thousand metric tons | 9,000 |
United States | ZIRCONIUM AND HAFNIUM | metric tons | 500 |
United States (crude) | TALC AND PYROPHYLLITE | thousand metric tons | 140,000 |
United States (extracted from natural gas) | HELIUM | million cubic meters | 8,500 |
United States (from Cliffside Field) | HELIUM | million cubic meters | 86 |
United States1 | DIATOMITE | thousand metric tons | 250,000 |
United States2, 9 | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 2,000 |
Uzbekistan | GOLD | metric tons | 1,800 |
Uzbekistan | GRAPHITE (NATURAL) | metric tons | 7,600,000 |
Uzbekistan | MOLYBDENUM | thousand metric tons | 60 |
Uzbekistan | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 100,000 |
Vietnam | BAUXITE | thousand metric dry tons | 5,800,000 |
Vietnam | FLUORSPAR | thousand metric tons | 5,000 |
Vietnam | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 30,000 |
Vietnam | RARE EARTHS | metric tons of rare-earth-oxide (REO) equivalent | 22,000,000 |
Vietnam | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 1,600 |
Vietnam | TUNGSTEN | metric tons | 100,000 |
Vietname | TIN | metric tons | 11,000 |
World total (ilmenite, rounded) | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(limenite) | thousand metric tons | 700,000 |
World total (rounded) | ANTIMONY | metric tons | 2,000,000 |
World total (rounded) | BAUXITE | thousand metric dry tons | 32,000,000 |
World total (rounded) | CHROMIUM | thousand metric tons | 570,000 |
World total (rounded) | COBALT | metric tons | 7,600,000 |
World total (rounded) | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 880,000 |
World total (rounded) | DIAMOND (INDUSTRIAL) | million carats | 1,800 |
World total (rounded) | FLUORSPAR | thousand metric tons | 320,000 |
World total (rounded) | GOLD | metric tons | 54,000 |
World total (rounded) | GRAPHITE (NATURAL) | metric tons | 320,000,000 |
World total (rounded) | IODINE | metric tons | 6,200,000 |
World total (rounded) | IRON ORE(crude ore) | million metric tons | 180,000 |
World total (rounded) | IRON ORE(iron content) | million metric tons | 85,000 |
World total (rounded) | LEAD | thousand metric tons | 90,000 |
World total (rounded) | LITHIUM | metric tons | 22,000,000 |
World total (rounded) | MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS | thousand metric tons | 7,200,000 |
World total (rounded) | MANGANESE | thousand metric tons | 1,500,000 |
World total (rounded) | MOLYBDENUM | thousand metric tons | 16,000 |
World total (rounded) | NICKEL | metric tons | 95,000,000 |
World total (rounded) | NIOBIUM (COLUMBIUM) | metric tons | 17,000,000 |
World total (rounded) | PEAT | thousand metric tons | 13,000,000 |
World total (rounded) | PHOSPHATE ROCK | thousand metric tons | 71,000,000 |
World total (rounded) | PLATINUM-GROUP METALS | kilograms | 70,000,000 |
World total (rounded) | POTASH(k2O) | thousand metric tons | 3,500,000 |
World total (rounded) | POTASH(ore) | thousand metric tons | 11,000,000 |
World total (rounded) | RARE EARTHS | metric tons of rare-earth-oxide (REO) equivalent | 120,000,000 |
World total (rounded) | SELENIUM | metric tons | 100,000 |
World total (rounded) | SILVER | metric tons | 530,000 |
World total (rounded) | TELLURIUM | metric tons | 31,000 |
World total (rounded) | TIN | metric tons | 4,900,000 |
World total (rounded) | TUNGSTEN | metric tons | 3,700,000 |
World total (rounded) | VANADIUM | metric tons | 24,000 |
World total (rounded) | ZINC | thousand metric tons | 250,000 |
World total (rounded) | ZIRCONIUM AND HAFNIUM | metric tons | 70,000 |
World total (rutile, rounded) | TITANIUM MINERAL CONCENTRATES(rutile) | thousand metric tons | 49,000 |
World total, natural (rounded) | SODA ASH | thousand metric tons | 25,000,000 |
Zambia | COPPER | thousand metric tons | 21,000 |
Zimbabwe | LITHIUM | metric tons | 220,000 |
Zimbabwe | PLATINUM-GROUP METALS | kilograms | 1,200,000 |
■ 관련 자료
한국광해광업공단_국가별 매장량_20211231.xlsx
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