관세청_항공수입 운송비용
기업이 세관에 수입 신고하는 과정에서 생산된 운임정보를 화물정보와 연계하여 항공수입 kg당 평균 운송비용을 산출·공표, 수출입 기업, 물류업계 등에서 참고자료로 활용 가능.
단위는 원(KRW)/킬로그램(KG)
- 정형거래조건인 FOB(Free On Board) 조건으로 수입신고 건으로 인천공항 도착 건(실제 항공운송 계약을 통한 운임이 아닌 별도 운임표를 적용하여 신고하는 등의 수입건( 특송, 우편, 항공사 자기 운송수단 수입, 자력운항 항공기, 기타 특수조건 수입(무상견품‧광고용품으로서 20만원 이하 수입물품, 계약위반‧하자보증을 위한 무상 수입물품, 여행자 휴대품, 선‧기용품 등))은 통계산출에서 제외)
Customs Service_Air import transportation costs
By linking the freight information produced in the process of a company's import declaration to customs with cargo information, the average transportation cost per kg of air imports can be calculated and announced, and used as reference data by import/export companies and the logistics industry.
Unit: won (KRW)/kilogram (KG)
- Cases arriving at Incheon Airport with an import declaration under FOB (Free On Board) conditions, which are standard transaction conditions (import cases such as those reported by applying a separate rate table rather than the rate through the actual air transportation contract (express, mail, airline's own transportation) Imports, self-operated aircraft, and imports under other special conditions (imported goods under 200,000 won as free samples or advertising supplies, free imported goods for contract violations or defect guarantees, traveler's belongings, ship/vehicle supplies, etc.) are excluded from statistical calculations.
■ 관련 데이터
기간 | 미국 | 유럽연합 | 중국 | 일본 | 베트남 |
Jan-19 | 4,040 | 3,392 | 2,198 | 1,821 | 2,340 |
Feb-19 | 3,762 | 3,585 | 2,256 | 1,733 | 2,247 |
Mar-19 | 3,848 | 3,513 | 2,325 | 1,794 | 2,244 |
Apr-19 | 3,690 | 3,295 | 2,221 | 1,820 | 2,392 |
May-19 | 3,977 | 3,448 | 2,140 | 1,933 | 2,334 |
Jun-19 | 4,100 | 3,612 | 2,169 | 1,985 | 2,342 |
Jul-19 | 4,185 | 3,795 | 2,253 | 1,959 | 2,250 |
Aug-19 | 4,039 | 3,529 | 2,374 | 2,063 | 2,511 |
Sep-19 | 4,009 | 4,169 | 2,226 | 1,879 | 2,516 |
Oct-19 | 4,175 | 4,102 | 2,233 | 1,847 | 2,959 |
Nov-19 | 3,950 | 3,642 | 2,264 | 1,861 | 2,752 |
Dec-19 | 4,015 | 4,056 | 2,209 | 1,876 | 2,807 |
Jan-20 | 4,268 | 3,635 | 2,214 | 1,777 | 2,524 |
Feb-20 | 3,828 | 3,856 | 2,068 | 1,860 | 2,671 |
Mar-20 | 3,963 | 4,126 | 3,428 | 1,981 | 3,897 |
Apr-20 | 4,267 | 5,103 | 4,440 | 1,932 | 3,362 |
May-20 | 3,955 | 5,198 | 4,125 | 1,757 | 2,930 |
Jun-20 | 4,091 | 4,814 | 3,372 | 1,613 | 3,006 |
Jul-20 | 4,098 | 4,455 | 3,252 | 1,557 | 3,132 |
Aug-20 | 4,030 | 5,241 | 2,918 | 1,642 | 3,596 |
Sep-20 | 4,252 | 4,824 | 3,058 | 1,617 | 4,119 |
Oct-20 | 3,799 | 4,928 | 3,295 | 1,578 | 3,937 |
Nov-20 | 3,772 | 4,761 | 3,504 | 1,529 | 3,596 |
Dec-20 | 3,484 | 4,885 | 3,685 | 1,545 | 3,556 |
Jan-21 | 3,314 | 4,904 | 3,587 | 1,560 | 2,658 |
Feb-21 | 3,106 | 4,725 | 3,865 | 1,602 | 2,868 |
Mar-21 | 3,162 | 4,982 | 3,488 | 1,627 | 3,653 |
Apr-21 | 3,203 | 4,888 | 3,498 | 1,713 | 3,237 |
May-21 | 2,759 | 5,179 | 3,665 | 1,769 | 3,023 |
Jun-21 | 2,632 | 5,229 | 3,142 | 1,820 | 3,192 |
Jul-21 | 2,965 | 5,007 | 3,344 | 1,883 | 2,946 |
Aug-21 | 2,507 | 4,919 | 3,462 | 1,975 | 3,252 |
Sep-21 | 2,702 | 5,052 | 4,471 | 2,031 | 4,549 |
Oct-21 | 4,381 | 5,394 | 4,705 | 2,110 | 6,079 |
Nov-21 | 4,134 | 5,726 | 4,957 | 2,119 | 6,785 |
Dec-21 | 4,084 | 5,170 | 4,661 | 2,325 | 5,075 |
Jan-22 | 4,090 | 5,407 | 4,860 | 2,112 | 4,862 |
Feb-22 | 4,070 | 5,851 | 4,809 | 2,138 | 4,451 |
Mar-22 | 4,270 | 6,162 | 5,179 | 2,219 | 4,757 |
Apr-22 | 4,658 | 6,833 | 5,101 | 2,243 | 5,463 |
May-22 | 4,971 | 6,414 | 5,863 | 2,407 | 5,120 |
Jun-22 | 5,154 | 7,206 | 5,291 | 2,438 | 4,927 |
Jul-22 | 5,852 | 6,521 | 4,896 | 2,515 | 5,275 |
Aug-22 | 6,033 | 6,696 | 4,931 | 2,722 | 5,084 |
Sep-22 | 5,935 | 7,124 | 4,659 | 2,545 | 5,980 |
Oct-22 | 5,757 | 7,143 | 4,540 | 2,459 | 6,372 |
Nov-22 | 5,892 | 6,849 | 4,192 | 2,461 | 4,826 |
Dec-22 | 5,823 | 6,919 | 3,930 | 2,455 | 4,092 |
Jan-23 | 5,493 | 6,268 | 3,840 | 2,317 | 2,958 |
Feb-23 | 6,246 | 5,682 | 3,939 | 2,288 | 2,887 |
Mar-23 | 5,612 | 6,267 | 3,921 | 2,313 | 3,569 |
Apr-23 | 5,617 | 6,926 | 3,837 | 2,302 | 3,711 |
May-23 | 6,203 | 6,188 | 3,995 | 2,214 | 3,942 |
Jun-23 | 5,569 | 5,519 | 3,767 | 2,077 | 3,701 |
Jul-23 | 5,100 | 5,322 | 3,552 | 2,356 | 3,739 |
Aug-23 | 5,976 | 5,866 | 3,545 | 2,214 | 3,944 |
Sep-23 | 5,235 | 5,404 | 3,369 | 1,946 | 4,485 |
Oct-23 | 5,607 | 5,040 | 3,400 | 2,055 | 4,753 |
Nov-23 | 5,680 | 5,014 | 3,708 | 2,014 | 4,379 |
Dec-23 | 6,395 | 5,702 | 3,483 | 2,098 | 4,402 |
■ 관련 자료
관세청_항공수입 운송비용_20231231.csv
■ 링크
원본 자료의 관련 링크는 아래와 같다.
관세청_항공수입 운송비용_20231231
기업이 세관에 수입 신고하는 과정에서 생산된 운임정보를 화물정보와 연계하여 항공수입 kg당 평균 운송비용을 산출·공표, 수출입 기업, 물류업계 등에서 참고자료로 활용 가능. <br/>단위는 원
■ 기준 날짜
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